Thursday, 15 February 2018

AO1 Contextual Investigation - Hwk

AO1 Contextual Investigation
Looking at an Artist / Practitioner

Develop ideas through sustained and focused, personal investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

Very important!
Present your work as much in the style of the artist as you can. Maybe write your notes first, then present last in your sketchbook / Google presentation.

Find an artist or another practitioner that has a link to your theme. This does not have to mean that they use the same subject matter, you could consider their style to be of interest.

Explain your personal response. Use the pink section on the LOOKING AT ARTEFACTS sheet to help your questioning and responses.

Criticise and analyse their work. Use the remaining 3 sections of the  LOOKING AT ARTEFACTS sheet to help your questioning.  (This should be the biggest part of your investigation.)

Gather 4 examples of their work and bullet point why they are characteristic of the artist.

Respond to their work by emulating their style or process. Take characteristics of their work and merge them with your own work. Translate the work into your own ideas.
Don’t spend hours coping whole images. Copies don’t earn many marks - your personal response does!

Extra 1
Take two pieces. One from the work of your chosen artist and the other from a different artist within your theme. Compare and contrast their work. What features or elements do they share and which are their own. Go into as much detail as you can.

Extra 2
Research to find out who the designer has been influenced by or has influenced. To do this you may need to read an interview with the illustrator.

Extra 3

When and where did they work? State if this had any effect on the work they have produced? What is the purpose and intention of their work?

It is important that your annotation is well researched, thought out and expressed. It is also vitally important that your pages are presented in a creative and interesting way.

N.B. There must be NO copy and paste from the internet. It stands out and makes you l
ook like you have no imagination or creativity.  Ask yourself… could anybody else have
written what is in your research? If the answer is yes, it is not personal enough.

Have fun with it. Presentation is vitally important - it communicates your creativity before your
words do.

Checklist for assessment
Relevant images, in-depth research and response in your own words (no copy and paste), accurate emulation.

Tuesday 27th Feb.

Any problems, email me: