Wednesday, 30 November 2016

John Klassen - View from my window

For the next artefact, you will be working int the style of John Klassen.

Take a photo (or a few) from your window at home, stick it in your sketchbook and draw it. If you dislike your view... collage the view from photographs.

Take a photo of the view from your window. Print off, stick it in your sketchbook
Draw it as a line drawing on a full page.

At the start of the lesson, Tues 6th Dec

Monday, 7 November 2016

Michael Wertz - Desert Island Items - Overlay design 1

To introduce you to the concept of over-layering.

To improve your drawing skills
To introduce you to illustrator and artist case studies in order to broaden your analysis skills

1. Make a list of all of the items that you would put in a suitcase to take to a desert island. What can you not do without?

This might include: food, digital devices, music, musical instruments, books, make-up, skateboard, etc etc.
Make the list look pretty in your sketchbook.
2. Make a slide or two on your presentation that is littered with images from your list. 
3. Draw them in your sketchbook. Draw them simple and no bigger than an orange.

A couple of slides of your presentation full of images
Lovely sketchbook list 
Drawings pages of drawings from list 


Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Cut out stencil spray

Lookey here: Spray Pinterest

To improve your skills when editing handmade images in Photoshop.

Choose a musician, sports star, film star or somebody else who inspires you. Using an image sourced from the web, open in Photoshop and follow the first tutorial below. Ask me if the image is suitable for the task.


On your presentation, put jpegs of your finished Photoshop examples. State which process was used underneath each.



Below are two tutorials for creating stencil spray work.  They a taking a lead from the work of Miles
Donovan whose work you can see above.

Get comfy and concentrate....