Monday, 7 November 2016

Michael Wertz - Desert Island Items - Overlay design 1

To introduce you to the concept of over-layering.

To improve your drawing skills
To introduce you to illustrator and artist case studies in order to broaden your analysis skills

1. Make a list of all of the items that you would put in a suitcase to take to a desert island. What can you not do without?

This might include: food, digital devices, music, musical instruments, books, make-up, skateboard, etc etc.
Make the list look pretty in your sketchbook.
2. Make a slide or two on your presentation that is littered with images from your list. 
3. Draw them in your sketchbook. Draw them simple and no bigger than an orange.

A couple of slides of your presentation full of images
Lovely sketchbook list 
Drawings pages of drawings from list 


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