To create a suitable typeface for your chosen design.
To evidence your understanding of the expressiveness of typography.
Over two double pages of your sketchbook, experiment with hand drawn typefaces that could be used within your design. This could be a title or another graphic element.
You can work in colour or black and white. Leave in your mistakes.
Look on my Type Pinboard for inspiration... (HERE)
Annotate on your page - why did you make type like this? Why is this type successful or unsuccessful?
Update!: You may wish to look at the 'matching intentions' slides and include similar images, textures and colours for your the type that you are designing.
Photograph or screenshot your progress.
Post to your blog.
Checklist for assessment
2 pages of experiments, beautifully bustling and busy pages of creativity.
Time needed
3 hrs.
May 23rd

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